Comme la vie est fantastique en France and other parts too!

I started this blog in 2006 as a way to stay in touch with friends and family while I was living and working as an English Language Assistant in Nantes, France. Since then, I've become a bit of a "blogger", sharing my adventures on the town, exploring new areas by bike, and any other random details that come along.

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Location: United States

Working, being silly, calling Jodie when I'm lost, yummy dinners outside with a bottle of wine, text message junkie, reader, sister, auntie, donkey-loving fool.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Franglais Dictionary and Maybe Some Wee Irish Expressions

Ok, this may not be funny to most people, but we almost wet ourselves laughing at these franglais expressions. Thought I should start keeping track of them as our wee list grows.

English: Possibly
Français: Peut-etre

Me aussi
English: Me too
Français: Moi aussi

It marches
English: That works or, ok
Français: ça marche

I oublied
English: I forgot
Français: J'ai oublié

I am perduded
English: I am lost
Français: Je suis perdue

I am tout compris
English: I understand completly
Français: J'ai tout compris

What's the craic?! or Quelle est le craic?!
English (Irish): What's going on?/ What's up?/ How are you?/ etc.... you can also say "The craic is here" meaning this is the place to be; the party is here!

I'm just blagging
English: I'm only kidding/joking
Français: Je rigole

English: Nevermind
Français:ça n'a pas d'importance


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good work! we should keep working on the dico! ps, i love the PG version of all that we did! :)

10:42 PM  

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