Comme la vie est fantastique en France and other parts too!

I started this blog in 2006 as a way to stay in touch with friends and family while I was living and working as an English Language Assistant in Nantes, France. Since then, I've become a bit of a "blogger", sharing my adventures on the town, exploring new areas by bike, and any other random details that come along.

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Location: United States

Working, being silly, calling Jodie when I'm lost, yummy dinners outside with a bottle of wine, text message junkie, reader, sister, auntie, donkey-loving fool.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Way to Kick Off the Day....

Uuugh. As if getting up in the morning only to start off an hour and a half commute on gross BART where nasty men fall asleep on my shoulder and take over more than their share of the seats isn't bad enough, I parked Rita (my car) in my usual spot, not too close to the alley way leading to the BART station when I heard, "herro herro". Knowing that the only people trying to start off conversations with strangers on their way to work this early in the morning are usually the randoms hanging out in the alley, I proceeded to walk towards the station when I head a pitter patter of footsteps running right up my a**. I looked back to see a squat lady decked out with a plaid baby doll jacket and bowler hat. She claimed to be the property manager and said that I could not park my car, she knew which one was mine, and that the lot wasn't for BART parking. Geez. I retorted that I was merely heading up to the city to do some Christmas shopping (lying through my teeth), and that I did my grocery shopping at Safeway, so technically I was a patron. Gggrrr. She said, "Well we'll see. I know which car is yours and if it's still there after 2 hours, I'll have it towed at your expense". Threatening my checkbook and Rita at the same time??!! Not cool lady, not cool.

I groaned and moaned and headed back to save Rita from the fate that lay ahead should I ignore bowling hat lady's threats. (And happened to see her pitter pattering after another BART-goer to probably ruin his morning like she did mine).

After successfully missing my train, I finally found the additional BART parking lot, only a mile away from the entrance only to find out that trains are running late. Great. Unnerved, I boarded a Richmond train, got off, waited again, and got to be part of a "how many people can we squeeze into one car?" experiment.

The only thing I had to be thankful for (and this is pretty sad) were the crazies roaming around the Civic Center when I got off at my stop. Thank you Mr. Banjo player, and crazy guy with your Hello Kitty boom box strapped to you shopping cart, at least I got a good laugh. I'm not sure if it's bad karma to laugh at the crazies, but I guess I'll take my chances.

Hope none of you had an equally hellish commute to work this fine Tuesday morning. Is it Friday yet????

Things to be thankful for:

-warm oatmeal (I swear I have all my teeth)
-Jenny's blog which cracks me up!
-cute 20 month olds that I get to draw with and spot busses out the window with while on the clock
-my brother- Happy Birhday Big Guy!!!!


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