Comme la vie est fantastique en France and other parts too!

I started this blog in 2006 as a way to stay in touch with friends and family while I was living and working as an English Language Assistant in Nantes, France. Since then, I've become a bit of a "blogger", sharing my adventures on the town, exploring new areas by bike, and any other random details that come along.

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Location: United States

Working, being silly, calling Jodie when I'm lost, yummy dinners outside with a bottle of wine, text message junkie, reader, sister, auntie, donkey-loving fool.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Les moules sans frites ne sont pas des moules!

Well I made it to France! Just a couple disclaimers... the keyboard is very different, so please disregard any typos! The title translates to: mussels without french fries aren't mussels!

So I arrived in Nantes after about 18 hours of travle time. I was tired and anxious. I was so dissappointed when my luggage didn't turn up, but the most important thing is that Sophie (Mme Blouin le Nabec, the English teacher) was there to pick me up. We filled out a form for my luggage and were on our way. I think I was in bed by 11:30 PM.

I woke up at 8 the next morning to accompany her to class. Typically the French either have no school on Wed. or at least a very short day. I sat in on her 2 one hour classes. These students are about 16 (seconde, or Jrs in high school). She just introduced me and let them ask me questions. They seem like a great bunch, and I will most likely have them as one of my classes which would be great. There are about 8-10 English teachers with only myself and a Canadian assistant (Rodney who arrives next Mon.), so we will probably work with 4 teachers each. I'm glad I'll be working with Sophie at least a little bit b/c she's great!

We checked up on the housing situation to make sure all was well (it is) and then headed home for lunch. By the time we got there, my baggage had been delivered. Fantastic!! Sophie and Thiery (her husband) have 3 children: Maxime who's 16 and lives at school during the week (so I'm staying in his room); Agathe who is 13; and little Sacha who is 8 and cute as can be. Sophie was busy playing schoffer much like typical American moms shuffeling the kids to soccer, tennis, drums lessons, and a birthday party!!! She kept saying "les mecredis sont comme ça" (Wednesdays are like this).

We ran some quick errands and since I had mentioned I liked mussels we picked some up for dinner. When we were driving Agathe to her party, we got a little lost. There was a man riding a bike on the road and Sacha goes, "Hey mamma, you can either ask him for directions or run him over. Whichever you want". I thought that was pretty funny! They have a ping pong table in the back yard and have 1/2 of it folded up as a wall so Sacha can play with himself; he's pretty good too. I played with him a little before taking an aperitif (my first one here!). I had a dry white wine with a blackberry currant liquour... it was yummy!

Well I've managed to connect with Alexis (another assistant) online here so had better head out to meet up with her. I think we're going to try and find the prefecture this afternoon to see about our carte de sejours. I'll write more soon. Love to you all and feel free to leave me a message or shoot an email.

Gros bisous, Elizabeth


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