Comme la vie est fantastique en France and other parts too!

I started this blog in 2006 as a way to stay in touch with friends and family while I was living and working as an English Language Assistant in Nantes, France. Since then, I've become a bit of a "blogger", sharing my adventures on the town, exploring new areas by bike, and any other random details that come along.

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Location: United States

Working, being silly, calling Jodie when I'm lost, yummy dinners outside with a bottle of wine, text message junkie, reader, sister, auntie, donkey-loving fool.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Vacation Dates

In case anyone is planning a trip or would like to visit, here are my vacation dates:

Oct. 25- Nov. 6 ALL SAINTS (I'm thinking about trying to go to the South- maybe Marseille or Nice, but we'll see since I don't know if I'll be paid by then).

Dec. 23- Jan. 8 CHRISTMAS BREAK (Haha, this is still acceptable to say in France. No plans as of yet, but I would love to go to Spain).

Feb. 10- Feb. 26 WINTER BREAK (I will be in Florence with Josh and Marina! Whoo hoo; I can't wait!)

March 31- April 16 EASTER BREAK

Last day of school is April 30; I'm here until May 13.

Of course I would love visitors! I can not have guests in my room. I know, boo! But there are youth hostels and cheap hotels. I also could possibly make arrangements with a friend who has an apt. or something.


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